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How to Find Running Shoes That Keep You Running




When it comes to running shoes, it’s not as easy as looking at the design and the color and deciding you want that pair. In fact, that is the last thing you should look at when deciding on a pair of running shoes.

A lot more goes into running shoes than that.

You need to make sure you have the right support for how you run and what your foot’s shape is. With over 65% of regular runners getting hurt each year, you want to make sure your running shoes have the best support you can find.

Keep reading about how to find running shoes that are right for you!

Learn How You Run

One of the most important things to consider when looking at running shoes is how you walk or run in the first place. This is called your running gait.

There are different shoes on the market, depending on what your gait is like. Runners can have overpronation, supination, or a normal gait.


If your feet tend to overpronate, your foot is rolling toward the inside of the foot every time you place your foot down. You will most likely need a shoe that is meant for stability at the arch. If this is not enough for your foot, custom orthotics are also helpful when dealing with overpronation.


Supination means that your foot tends to roll toward the outside edge as you run. If this is how you run, you may want to consider shoes with more cushions on the outside of the shoe to prevent this rolling from happening too often.

Basic Pronation

A neutral running shoe is perfect for you if you have basic pronation. This means that your foot’s pressure stays rolling in the center along with the ball of your foot.

If you are not sure what type of gait you have, you can go to a local running store where they will help you find a running shoe that works for you.

Know the Type of Running You Will Be Doing

The type of running you will participate in has a huge effect on the shoe you will need.

Trail running will need a different shoe than running track. The same goes for running distances versus short stints. Each shoe has different support systems, underfoot, and midsole support depending on the type of running you will participate in.

For instance, Yeezy shoes are meant for marathons or longer runs.

It’s always important to pay attention to the type of running you will be doing. If you think you will be switching between a few different types, you should invest in more than one pair to keep yourself from getting injuries.

Decide on the Comfort You Want

Although comfort level is more of a personal preference, the type of feeling you get when you run is important to your performance. Some people would prefer to run on a very soft, squishy surface, while others don’t want to feel like there is much between their feet and the road.

You’ll find different types of heel cushion and comfort depending on the heel-toe drop.

The only way to decide how much comfort and cushion you want to feel in your running shoe is by trying different pairs on and walking or running around in them at the store.

Find Running Shoes That Fit

It’s important when shopping for running shoes that you try on every pair that fits your list of needs. Although you may be a size 8 shoe every day, you may need to go up a half size for your running shoes.

If you get shoes that are too tight when you run, you will most likely suffer from blisters and black toenails.

When choosing the right shoe, you should be able to wiggle your toes up and down. This is usually about a half-inch of space between the tip of the toes and the top of the shoe.

There are also different widths for running shoes, so if you need a more narrow or a wider shoe, there are options for that.

An interesting thing to remember is that your feet do tend to swell during the day. The best time to buy running shoes is in the evening since that is when your foot is the biggest it will be. This way, you’ll avoid buying shoes that are too small.

Pay Attention to Your Mileage

After about 400 miles of running, your running shoe will start to wear down. Since this is the case, you need to buy another pair of running shoes to prevent injuries.

If you liked your old shoe, keep that brand and get their newer version! Or save money by getting the older version of the same shoe.

If you were not a fan of the last pair, you can always try out a different pair to find the right ones for you.

Get Running

Once you find running shoes that work for you and fit your foot and your gait, go get ’em!

You’ll be running miles and miles (if you’re distance), or you’ll be speeding around the track corners (if you go for the shorter distances). Whatever type of running you prefer, the right running shoes will make all of the difference in your performance and preventing injuries.

If you enjoyed reading this article about finding the right running shoes, check out more of our blogs in the lifestyle section!

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