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How to Use Clove Oil for Toothache: A Brief Guide




Did you know that the prevalence of toothaches is up to 88%? It’s one of the most common afflictions!

Chances are you’ve had a toothache before, and you know exactly how painful they can be. They can distract you from your work and stop you from eating. Even when you curl up in your blankets, the dull throbbing can keep you from restful sleep.

One of the best home remedies is clove oil for toothache discomfort. If you’ve never tried cloves for your toothache, this remedy might seem unbelievable, but it really works! It can relieve the pain while you wait for dental treatment.

To learn how to use cloves for toothache relief, read on!

Why Is Clove Good for Toothache Relief?

Clove oil works well because cloves have a high amount of eugenol. Eugenol is a concentrated oil with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties. In addition, it also has antibacterial and antiviral effects.

It can be used as a natural flavoring in teas and oral care products. In addition, it can relieve gastrointestinal and respiratory complaints. Its primary medicinal purpose is to numb nerve tissue.

For that reason, it’s perfect for a topical anesthetic for toothaches!

How Effective Is It?

One study found that eugenol can reduce pain and inflammation better than most other topical analgesics. The study showed that eugenol promotes wound healing, and subjects who used it healed more quickly than with other treatments.

In fact, clove gel has been proven to be just as effective as benzocaine. It can also kill bacteria that can cause cavities.

Process Your Clove Oil

Essential oils can be picked up at almost every home remedy store or at your supermarket. Since you’ll be using the oil in your mouth, make sure you pick high-quality oil. The cost might be a little higher, but it’s better than getting low-quality oil that can cause an adverse reaction.

When you buy a bottle of essential oil, it will come incredibly concentrated and can damage your gum tissue or cause stomach aches. To avoid this, you have to process the oil before use.

First, you have to dilute clove oil with carrier oil. A carrier oil is a regular, neutral oil like nut oil, olive oil, or vegetable oil. Adding a few drops makes the essential oils easier to use and less strong.

The general formula is 6 teaspoons of carrier oil for every 15 drops of essential oil. If the clove oil burns or upsets your stomach, you can dilute it further with more carrier oil.

After you dilute your clove oil, you can use it for your toothache.

How to Apply Cloves for Toothache Relief

The best method for applying clove bud oil for toothache pain relief is to use a cotton ball. Soak the cotton ball in clove oil and hold it on the affected tooth. Oil will reach the affected nerve and provide relief.

However, make sure you don’t pour clove oil into your mouth, or directly onto the affected area. If the oil touches your tongue or your gums it can worsen the sensation and cause the tissue to sting.

If you don’t have oil on hand, you can use powdered cloves and press them into the area. If you don’t have oil or ground cloves for toothache relief on hand, you can try chewing a clove with your affected tooth. This will cause some of the oil to reach the inflamed nerve.

When you apply the cloves, you’ll feel a slight warm sensation but there should be no stinging or burning. Allow the oil or cloves to sit on the tooth for up to 10 minutes so it can get to the affected nerve and numb the area. You can reapply every 2 to 3 hours.

Side Effects

Clove oil has an awful, bitter taste. Make sure not to swallow it to avoid some of the most severe side effects. If you consume clove oil, potential risks include:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Burning in the respiratory tract
  • Stomach ache
  • Indigestion
  • Diarrhea

Clove oil is primarily for topical use, but stop if you feel any burning sensations or irritation of the gums. While clove oil is generally considered safe on the skin, excessive use can lead to damage of the gums and inner cheeks, in addition to the tooth pulp.

Dried cloves and powdered cloves can also cause irritation and damage to skin tissues.

Pregnant women and children are advised not to use cloves for toothaches. In children, clove oil can cause seizures, fluid imbalance, and liver damage. It’s not yet known how clove oil will affect a growing baby, so pregnant women should steer clear.

Long-Term Relief

Toothaches don’t just come from nowhere. There’s always an underlying cause like a cavity, a broken tooth, or crowded palate space. Only your dentist will be able to diagnose the cause of your toothache and provide you long-term relief.

If you have a toothache, you can use clove oil to relieve the pain temporarily. However, to answer the question, “Why does my tooth hurt?” once and for all, a trip to the dentist is essential.

Try Clove Oil for Toothache Relief

The next time you have dental pain, consider trying clove oil for toothache relief! It can be an effective, short-term treatment for oral pain.

Your pain could be caused by a damaged tooth, so for long-term treatment, you’ll still have to go see your dentist. However, clove oil can help you find relief for your symptoms while you wait for an appointment!

If you enjoyed learning how to use clove oil for your toothache, we have lots more how-tos and tips on our blog! Check it out for more!

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