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A Bright Interior: The Ultimate Guide to Light Fixture Design




How do lights affect a space? Are they alive at the right time and in the right place? Are they used for purposes other than productivity? Light fixture design provides the most obvious setting to define the atmosphere of your space.

Far too many homeowners suffer from poor lighting that makes a space feel cramped and dim. Are you interested in avoiding lighting pitfalls and optimizing your space? Read our guide below to learn how.

Explore the Different Types of Lighting

What makes the perfect interior lighting? Well, first of all, you want it to be bright. For the majority of individuals, this means a fixture that gives off a significant amount of light. That’s pretty straightforward, right? Good.

What about controlling your lighting? Many homeowners choose a dimmer switch to control their home lighting. This option allows you to individually adjust the brightness and color of any light in your home.

With dimmer switches, you don’t have to remember to adjust your lighting when you want to turn it down. You can simply turn it off and on when you want to change the color or intensity. The use of various light fixtures is really only limited by your creativity and the room you are decorating.

Understand the Fundamentals of Light Fixture Design

The key to making the most of your lighting is understanding the fundamentals of how to use and shape light fixtures. Understand the concepts of dimensions, light distribution, color temperature, shading, and shadowing. Think about how lighting can make different elements within your space stand out and how it can create a more enjoyable and inviting atmosphere.

Try to choose an upper light fixture that doesn’t intrude so much into your ceiling. Underfoot is a much better area for lighting than over it. If you are working with a flat ceiling, you will want to consider a semi-gloss or glossy light fixture to create a more textured look.

Choose a Lighting Scheme That Matches Your Life

There’s a lot that you need to consider when selecting lighting for your space. You need to keep the area you are in mind when you plan out your interior lighting scheme.

For example, will the plan change once you start using your space? Will you be using it for work, relaxation, or entertaining? A light fixture needs to provide the appropriate lighting for the space.

A study area requires bright lighting so that you can focus. A living room might require soft lighting to make the space seem warmer. A dining room might need bright lighting for people who enjoy spending time in that area.

Keep these things in mind when you begin planning out your lights. Read more here if you are interested in discovering even more excellent lighting sources for your living area.

Avoid Bad Lighting Choices

It is often easy to be swayed by a good light fixture when you first see it. It’s important to recognize that the quality of the light is the only thing that will make a good fixture good. Most times, you can judge the quality of a light by its shape, size, and purpose.

Dim lighting is the enemy of good interior lighting. It draws the eye in one direction, making it easy to miss important features in the room. It makes the room smaller and takes away from a room’s true size.

Because it gives the room a flat, lightless feeling, dim lighting is often combined with a more direct source of light in order to disguise its harshness.

Avoid a mix of lighting schemes with dimming elements. Modern homeowners are also choosing to leave some areas in the dark.

It’s easy to get stuck in a lighting rut. You love your current fixture but can’t imagine using it for the next few years. It’s time to start fresh with a new lighting fixture!

How to Pick the Right Design Style for Your Room

One of the most important decisions that you must make when selecting lighting for your room is the interior design style that best suits the unique interior style of your room.

For instance, if you live in a modern home, chances are that your kitchen and living room have the same look and feel. If this is the case, you may want to consider a more modern style of lighting. This type of light fixture has a sleek look and can work well with many interior styles.

The alternative is a wood-grain design that would complement many home interiors.

The other option is to opt for modern glass or reflective fixtures. They can work well with many indoor and outdoor styles of decor. The exterior design of your room Another aspect that you need to consider is the exterior design of your room.

Consider Natural Lighting and Daylighting

Even if you have the best of intentions, if your interior is poorly lit, it will not make for a happy environment. A dimly lit room can feel claustrophobic, and your customers will not want to stay there very long. You also risk triggering a “your-lighting-is-horrible-bad-business-plague” as well as reinforcing feelings of anxiety and helplessness.

If you need help with lighting, make sure you research so you can choose the right bulbs. Do you have dimmers or switches in your room? The lighting of a room is typically controlled by switches, dimmers, and dimmer/switch combos. Most people don’t know that the type of light bulb they use can have an effect on the way a room looks.

Tips for Making Your Space Feel Bigger

Lighting has the power to make a room feel much larger than it is. Here are some tips for how to make your space seem bigger.

  1. Always keep the lamps away from the walls. Large, heavy pieces of furniture are no-go areas for large lamps.
  2. Bring your lights closer to the floor.
  3. Furniture should sit low, but it’s still important to keep the fixtures high enough so that they won’t cast shadows on the floor.
  4. Go above and beyond by adding recessed lights. This can do wonders for a space that’s lacking in ambiance.
  5. Even if you use a lot of lamps throughout your home, be sure to leave enough for accessibility. Otherwise, you won’t be able to get around easily when you get home.
  6. Don’t put your space in the basement. This is a no-go for most people who prefer to enjoy their space.

Living With Great Light Fixture Design

As we have discussed, the right home light fixture design can take your space to new heights. We hope we have given you plenty of ideas to implement in your home, condo, or apartment. If you liked this piece, check out similar posts in our blog!

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