A Beginner’s Guide to Raising Chickens for Eggs
Raising chickens in your own yard not only provides you with fresh eggs. There are several other benefits of doing so as well. Chickens manure and eggshells for compositing.
They also help keep pests in your yard at a minimum. You can also consider using them for fresh meat when the time comes. If you’re considering raising chickens for eggs, then you’ll want to continue reading below.
Here’s what you should know about how to raise chickens for eggs!
Are You Allowed to Keep Chickens?
The first thing you want to do is ensure you’re allowed to keep chickens in your yard. Check with your local ordinances to ensure it’s legal to have chickens. Then, ask how many you’re allowed to keep as there might be a number restriction.
Do You Have the Space for Them?
Now, consider the amount of space you have in your yard. You’ll need room for a chicken coop and a henhouse. It’ll need to be big enough for a feeder, watering area, a nesting box for every three hens you have, and a place for the hens to roost.
You also want the space to be large enough for you to stand inside while collecting the eggs and cleaning the area.
What Age Should They Be?
The chickens will produce the most eggs during their first two years. You won’t need roosters for the hens to lay eggs either. You only need roosters if you want the hens to produce chicks.
Hens will lay eggs on their own that can be eaten. If you purchase chicks, it’ll take about 18 weeks before they start laying eggs. Once they do, they’ll lay around two eggs every three days.
You’ll need to collect eggs every day if you have multiple hens.
How Many Should I Have?
If allowed, plan on keeping about three to six chickens. Once you get into the hang of it, you can consider introducing more chickens to the coop. Remember, the more chickens you have, the bigger coop you’ll need.
What Breed Should I Choose?
There are many breeds of chickens and choosing can be difficult. The best chicken breeds to have will depend on where you live. Some chicken breeds do better in cold climates while others do better in warmer areas.
It’s best to research which breeds will do well in your specific climate. Then, you’ll want to consider the breed’s temperament and egg production as each breed will be different in these aspects.
What Safety Measures Should I Have in Place?
Chickens will attract predators in the area. This is true even for suburban neighborhoods. Snakes, hawks, dogs, raccoons, coyotes, and foxes all prey on chickens and their eggs.
The coop should have a chicken wire that buries into the ground with holes smaller than a snake. The roof should have netting over it to prevent hawks from flying into the coop. Inspect the coop regularly for signs of predators and lock the chickens up at night, since this is when predators like to hunt the most.
How Do I Keep Them Healthy?
Clean water and food are needed daily. Organic Chicken Feed will keep your chickens healthy and full. You can also throw some cabbage into the coop on an occasional basis for them to peck at.
Chickens won’t drink dirty water, so the water should be cleaned every day.
It’s Time to Start Raising Chickens for Eggs
After reading through this guide, you should feel more comfortable with raising chickens for eggs! Be sure to use all of these helpful tips to get you started. You can always speak with the chicken breeders at the farm where you purchase the chicks from if you have any more questions.
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